Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Afternoon open thread

What's going on at your end of the McClatchy universe?


  1. YEAH! I just want to say that I am thrilled you created this blog as a politics-free alternative to McClatchy Watch. The politics is killing that site for me and I post regularly there w/ good info. about MNI. I hope you get rid of anything political posted here to keep it true to what it's meant to be!

  2. Does anyone at the S-T no when layoffs are coming? Why can't they be more specific instead of leaving everyone in limbo and expecting positive attitudes until they make the announcement.

  3. Not much going on in Raleigh. We hoped to hear something this afternoon, but the weekly newsroom meeting was delayed.

    Subject: Weekly meeting delayed
    Date: February 25, 2009 2:21:17 PM EST

    Our weekly meeting will be delayed until I have more information for you, probably until Friday afternoon. I am out of the office Thursday afternoon.


  4. No word in Sacramento yet. Very depressing over here.

  5. No word in Lexington either. We had expected something this week - now the rumors are that it could be 2 more weeks even! It's all rumor though -- no announcements from management.

    In the meantime, here's an interesting link about the newspaper industry...

  6. Thanks for having this type of blog. Would you like to share with us what city your located in?

  7. How nice not to read the words commie-pinko-Marxist!!!! I'll keep reading this blog!

  8. Market Cap Opened @51.19M
    Market Cap Closed @46.24M

    .56 Share

  9. In my opinion since we are this close to March I could see them waiting until they have Feb's numbers before finalizing.

    If Feb was worse than expected they likely will go with plan B. If it came in line or close, maybe they go with plan A (assuming that there are 2 plans with B being deeper cuts than A).

  10. I think you're right 1:13 from what we're hearing at all the papers. I understand the KC Star went in with some numbers that were rejected.

  11. I think I hear the sound of CHAPTER 11 approaching.

  12. 1:59, sounds like you're on target. It appears, based on the evidence we have thus far, that Sacramento's plans have been overtaken by events and they're scrambling to catch up. Everyone gets to hang by their thumbs in the meantime.

    I'm at the S-T; we hear but of course cannot verify that the Moment of Truth is next Friday.

    And thanks, Inkpot, for setting up this blog; it saved me the trouble of doing it.

  13. This waiting is torture. The mood is so heavy, the air so oppressive, it's really unpleasant to be here (Sacramento.)

    And thanks for the white background, that hideous gold at McC Watch is damned hard to hide onscreen. :-)

  14. The folks at McClachty Watch are throwing fits about this blog. I can't thank you enough for setting this up.

    Please everyone tell the folks at your paper about this new site.

  15. Thank you, thank you, thank you! McClatchy folks need a place to share news and air concerns.

  16. Word is that the coming round of layoffs at the KC Star will be equal to the previous three rounds COMBINED.

  17. Bottomline is reporting that 30 newsroom people are being cut at the KC Star.

    Can anybody confirm?

  18. 3:14 Where are the cuts coming from?

  19. 3:31 -- I don't think anyone is likely to know for a couple more weeks, until after Corporate OK's the plan and the layoff list has been properly "lawyered."

  20. There has been some grumbling in management in Sac that since the announcement production has dropped off which has shown in the numbers being another 3-4% worse than an already bad January.

  21. Latest rumor at S-T is a couple weeks. The thing that sucks about letting people wait this long is that soon people stop giving a damn and are just working to collect paychecks. That's one way to assure quality at a newspaper starts tanking.

    And thanks so much for having an alternative to McCWatch. Not that I mind talking politics, just not when I'm trying to find out whether or not I'm likely to still have a job next month.


  23. Well the way that corporate is carrying out this plan NOT. What would you expect the rank and file to feel like? Why Bust Ass and then get canned. Does anyone know if there will be a severence package this time or just Bye-Bye?

  24. Thanks for this site! I have been trying to keep up with my former employer, Raleigh N&O, and I can already see this place will be better than the alternative. Thanks for the Drescher update, 12:02! Good luck to you, whoever you are.

  25. Amen Anon 2:20! I have often thought that there's no hiding that blue & gold on screen but I can't help but checking out the latest on breaks at work!

    In Lexington we've been having the Yahoo! kickoff the past 2 weeks. Is that going on at all of the papers? I am beginning to wonder if they're waiting to see how that goes before making a final plan. No pressure on the interactive reps if that's the case!! Fortunately it seems to be going pretty well. I don't know if it's good enough to save some jobs, but you never know!

  26. My thanks as well. Just hope you have enough moderators to keep Wingnuttia quiet over here.

  27. I've removed McClatchy Watch from my bookmarks. I hope this blog takes the tone and professionalism that Jim Hopkins' Gannett blog does.

    It's one thing to complain that a media outlet is biased (as Kevin does so often on MW). But he turns around as is just as biased (the other way) as he says MNI newspapers are. It's a common conservative tactic: Scream bias just because something's report the way conservatives want it reported (liberals do it, too, just not a boldly). That's why "fair and balanced" Fox News is so... not balanced.

    Good luck on the venture.

  28. This is a posting from Inkpot. Through some bizarre technical glitch, I have had to create this blog once again at another URL.

    Please visit me at:

    Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.

  29. Glad to find you.

    I too, am tired of all of the political crap at Mc.W.

    Hopefully, this blog will stick to just how bad the situation becomes at the various properties.

    As so many others have said,"the waiting is terrible".

    In the sunny south, there are many departments being relocated within the building which requires a certain amount of remodeling. The "joke" is that the bosses are rushing these moves so that they can be completed in time to start the "slicing machine".

  30. Are we talking South Miami, Fort Worth, Carolina, or KC

  31. hearne is once again way behind the news. 30 is low. the rumored 40 could be too. zman was spinning deadly news today

  32. Political bias is a main reason why McClatchy is going down the tubes.

    When you have dumb ass Obamababoon moonbats running the show, circulation and readership goes down.

  33. I say anon7:37 needs to be deleted. Off topic for this blog! Go to McClatchy Watch w/ your crap.

  34. Some posters put your link on McClatchy Watch site and he is deleting all of them. He claims they are spam. So is their someway to get the McClatchy name to your site so people will be able to find you?

  35. I've heard the STAr-T is waiting until March (I know, now mere days away) to make its next move. Most likely bankruptcy.

    I say reporters keep taking the paycheck but open your eyes and dust off the resumes.

  36. Stop spamming McClatchy Watch to go to this dumbass blog.

  37. McClatchy Watch has stoop about as low as they can get. They claim you are traced if you use this site at work.

    I can't believe it. If you have any information about the newspapers post it here. Tell anybody that you come into contact with tomorrow at work about this site. Let's make it the best site we can.

    We know it can be done by looking at Gannett's blog. It's first rate and from what I see this will be to.

    We just need to get this blog known.

  38. Can somebody post information to bottomline using this site. That will get some notice from readers.

    Maybe the Host could contact Bottomline about starting this blog. It some advertisment.

  39. ALL LINKS TO THIS SITE POSTED ON McCLATCHY WATCH YESTERDAY HAVE BEEN REMOVED BY KEVIN AT MCCLATCHY WATCH. Kevin seems to be afraid that he will lose his posters. It's a sad situation but cream always rises to the top as I'm sure it will here.

  40. Come on. People did go a little overboard spamming this website address all over the place. I, too, get sick of the political rants ... but I get just as sick of reading every third post.

  41. Let's get back to the newspaper news and forget McClatchy Watch. We all know what type of posting is done there.

    They are now claiming that if you come to this site your computer will be infected with a virus. We all know that this is not true.

  42. Good news for this site. I understand that Zieman has had it with McClatchy Watch and anybody caught using will be gone. Seems he dosen't care about reporting what is going on at his paper it's just the way you do it.

    So folks it looks like this is where you want to be if your at work.

  43. Once again, through an unfortunate technical glitch, I am unable to operate Newspapertrails at this particular URL. Please visit the new URL:

    I am sorry for the inconvenience and my inability to delete the above offensive comments.

  44. Here it is, March 1.
    Nothing new since February 25, what gives????

  45. Uh, 7:59? Read the post above yours, the URL has changed.

  46. Re 3/2 1:21, nothing new on the "2" site either. I check it daily (looked at it just before sending this comment)

  47. Not true, clear your cache, there's plenty new.

  48. The blog has been taken down. Does anyone know why?

  49. It sounded in the comments at mcwatch, that kevin had tried to expose the blog owner's identity. I'm guessing that he/she pulled it for fear of job security. Dorkwad.

  50. I'm not sure it was Kevin. But some anonymous contributor on the McCarthyWatch site posted results of a "deep search" that indicated this blog's owner could be identified, to some extent, through past blogging activities. So earlier this week, the owner of the current, operational newspapertrails site (newspapertrails2, which supplanted this one almost as soon as it was started) posted a final message expressing fear of being "outed." A couple of minutes later, that final message was replaced by the "Blog has been removed" message you now see on newspapertrails2.
    Oddly, this original blog still seems to function. (I believe the owner said she accidentally locked herself out of it ... hence "newspapertrails2.")
    So it looks like WE could continue to use it, commenting on the same two threads, without adult supervision, until the hateful wingnuts come here to roost?
    Although oddly, McCarthyWatch has become somewhat more civil in the wake of newspapertrails' demise. A result of Kevin's new gate-keeping of posts on his site, or a result of that site's angry goons not so much enjoying no longer being poked leftwardly with sharp sticks ... I really don't know.
    Weird, man. Weird.

  51. Seriously ... I didn't realize it was possible to start a blog, totally abandon it, and then have it remain here for people to scribble on in perpetuity.

  52. 3:18 More than "weird".

  53. so where did it go?

  54. I would never call MW civil unless you hate McClatchy as much he does.

  55. Just came here to get a breath after the stinking swamp that is MW.

  56. Yeah, they're just a bunch of pudgy, balding nerds. Have you seen the blogger's profile pic? Gross, wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.

  57. Hate is MW but his favorite book is the bible. Really??????

  58. Please, please......
    will anyone take up the cause of this blog?
    I can't take MW anymore.

  59. I don't take MW anymore. How he manages to sit in a pew every Sunday is beyond me. Hate is not preached at my church.

  60. The reason nobody will take on this site?

    The reason is sane people have an enjoyable life and have better things to do. Posters on MW have no other life. Can you imagine how awful Kevin's life must be?

  61. 1:52 DITTO! Can you imagine sitting at your computer all day with nothing else to do than try and get back at McClatchy? Yes, Kevin has to be a miserable person. The rest that post all the time are a bunch of "has beens" who lost their job and can't find another one. They just post to one another and then act like there are thousands of bloggers who post there.

  62. You know, it's probably just that blog owner/writer who makes all those crazy postings. He is so peculiar. And fat.

  63. MW is just a bunch of "nutcases"! It has now become a "cut & paste" blog.

  64. MW is no longer a blog. Cut & Paste is all it is. Hmmmmmmm fraud???????

  65. Do you really think that the MW guy is a HOMO?




